Afghan Dance Choreography (Qataghani style)

Amelekat Ba Gardon- Song by Jawid Sharif

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In this course students will learn an Afghan dance choreography in the Qataghani style. The song is an "oldschool" classic by the Afghan popstar Jawid Sharif, called "Amelekat Ba Gardan." Through the choreography students can learn a good vocabulary of movements for this common "party" style dance. Miriam's Afghan dance styling is heavily influenced by her Tajik dance background, and her studies over the years at Afghan dance parties and weddings. Her training was all "field" study and not from a formal class training. For Afghan's this is the more authentic way to learn the dance.

Amelekat Ba Gardan is a playful song in the Qataghani music style which is in a 4/4 rhythm and common to parties and wedding dance floors.

Amelaket ba gardan berakhs tu ay jaan e man --- With that necklace on your neck, dance my dear love.) See the translation for this song in the full curriculum.

Your Instructor

Miriam Peretz
Miriam Peretz

Miriam Peretz is an internationally celebrated dance instructor and performer. Over the past twenty years, her signature dance style has spread across continents through her international dance collective Nava, and through the intensive trainings she offers worldwide. Miriam’s format draws heavily on Central Asian dance, sacred dance and ritual practices from around the world, and devotional whirling practices. Her movement quality and aesthetics also incorporate her years of martial arts training, contemporary dance, Flamenco, and many other world dance forms. Miriam was a principle member of Ballet Afsaneh Central Asian dance company directed by Sharlyn Sawyer, for over 15 years. She also traveled to Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan and studied with numerous master instructors over the years. Miriam weaves spirituality and devotion into every dance session, drawing on her personal practice as a dervish and background as a child of mystics. Her classes are infused with group rituals that help students find the deeper meaning and significance of the movements and dances. The rituals also nurture a sense of inclusivity and community, often creating deep connections among dancers. Regarded as a weekly ritual by her students, Miriam’s classes offer a fully integrated experience and healing journey through the terrain of the body, heart, mind and spirit.

For more about Miriam’s work go to-

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course is totally self-paced. You can start and finish at any time you like!
Can I perform the dance?
Yes, however ideally you would reach out for a private session to polish the dance first. ([email protected])

Thank you so much for joining this course! I hope you enjoyed!

With Gratitude,


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